Ellie and Taylor’s Wild Garlic Pesto

 Ellie and Taylor’s Wild Garlic Pesto

Stirred into pasta, dolloped on salads or drizzled on fish, we’re struggling to think what doesn’t go perfectly with pesto.

‘Pesto’ comes from the word ‘pestâ’ meaning to ‘crush’ and originates from the Genoese language in Italy.

This vibrant green sauce is made by crushing (all makes sense now, ey) the ingredients together, traditionally this was done with a mortar and pestle. Ellie and Taylor have adapted their recipe and uses a blender to create their pesto. However, if you fancy giving Joe Wicks a run for his money, get the biceps burning and press your pesto the old school way! Challenge accepted?!


Thoroughly wash your wild garlic and parsley.

Combine with your toasted pine nuts, Parmesan, olive oil and lemon juice and then blend until smooth. It’s then time to prepare your wild garlic oil. Yum.

Blend your wild garlic and vegetable oil together, then pass through a J-cloth to get your gorgeously fragrant oil. Store in the fridge when cool.

When you’re ready to use, blend your garlic oil and pesto together. Then it’s serve, why not try it over a summer salad or drizzle over pasta? Enjoy!


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