John’s Foxhill Fudge

John’s Foxhill Fudge

It’s National Fudge Day so John is back and showing you all how to achieve confectionary perfection with his recipe for melt in the mouth Foxhill fudge. Yum.

For many of us fudge provides a burst of nostalgia with memories of seaside treats from the likes of Devon and Cornwall, so it may surprise you to know that it was first discovered in America and has only been around for around 130 years (which in the confectionary world makes it an infant!).

Legend has it (and we love a good legend) that fudge was actually discovered by accident from a batch of caramel that went wrong, thus prompting the exclamation “Oh fudge!” Now we don’t know how true that is…but sounds good doesn’t it?

How to make your fudge:

  • Place 275g caster sugar, 115g liquid glucose and 210g double cream into a large, heavy bottom pan (weigh the glucose directly into the pan to make things easier).
  • Bring your sugar, glucose and cream to a simmer on a low heat ensuring all your sugar is dissolved before increasing the heat and bringing the mixture to 113 degrees, make sure you continue stirring throughout this process.
  • Once it reaches 113 degrees remove the pan from the heat and carefully add 65g butter and 250g white chocolate. Stir in completely.
  • Once all the chocolate and butter is incorporated pass though a sieve into a lined tub roughly 22cm by 15cm.
  • Allow to cool slightly before placing in the fridge overnight to set completely.
  • Once the fudge is set remove from the container and trim the edges off and cut into evenly sized cubes, roughly 3cm, then return to the fridge.
  • Melt 500g of the milk chocolate over a pan of water, stirring constantly and once it has reached 45 degrees remove from the heat. Keep stirring until the chocolate cools to 40 degrees then add the remaining 300g chocolate and continue to stir until the chocolate reaches 33 degrees.
  • Now the chocolate should be nicely tempered add the cubes of fudge one at a time. Remove with a fork lightly tapping it on the edge of the bowl to remove any excess chocolate and place carefully onto non-stick paper. Leave in a cool place for an hour before eating and store in an air tight container in the fridge (that’s if it lasts that long).



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